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Can Lag Putting Stop
You From 3 Putting?
some peoples eyes the term lag putt means that you are thinking
negatively and ruling out any possible chance of holing the putt in
My view on lag putting is that you are still giving the ball a great
opportunity of finding the bottom of the hole, but that you are also
trying to ensure that you avoid 3 putting by leaving yourself within a
comfortable distance from the hole if you should miss.
In my experience I have found that there is only one thing more
frustrating than leaving a putt a couple of inches short of the hole
when it is bang on line and that is 3 PUTTING!!
you look at the touring pro's putting statistics, you will notice that
they will only 3 putt once, maybe twice during a tournament on average.
This means that they are generally leaving their long range putts well
within a comfortable distance of the hole so they can avoid 3 putting.
You could also say that they are masters of the lag putt!!
idea behind lag putting is to take
your focus away from targeting
the hole itself and instead focus on a wider target that circles around
the hole

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about 6 feet in diameter (or whatever falls into your
comfort zone), and then aim to putt the ball into this area. Then if it
misses you know you will be left with a short putt that you can make.
Naturally it is not essential to lag every putt that you are faced with
as there will be times when you can or need to be more aggressive, like
with up hill putts or putts that you have to make if playing matchplay,
but if you are suffering from 3 putting a lot, then practicing your lag
putts would certainly help to improve your golf putting
Putting Instruction To Help Your Improve Your Putting: