How Important Is A Pre Shot Routine?
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pre shot routine is really a structured series of tasks that you create
for yourself before actually playing each golf shot. The length and
quantity of these tasks will vary depending on personal styles and
preferences, so you'll need to spend a bit of time practicing to find
out what system works for you.
There are certain golf swing
fundamentals that have a significant influence on the outcome of your
golf shots and need to be addressed before the actual golf swing takes
By including some checks for these fundamentals in your
pre shot routine, you can ensure that you are giving yourself the best
possible foundation to hit your golf shots.
These pre shot fundamentals are:
1) Grip - making sure clubface is square to target when applying your golf grip. |
2) Aim - checking that you are correctly aligned to your target.
3) Setup
- check ball position, posture and making sure shoulders, hips and feet
are square to each other and aligned correctly to target.
well as covering these basic pre shot fundamentals, having a pre shot
routine will give you something positive to focus on and increase your
concentration levels for the shot in hand, which will reduce the
chances of any negative thoughts or worries about swing techniques,
etc, creeping in.
An Example Of A Pre Shot Routine:
you have visualized the golf shot you are going to play and are
comfortable with the club that you have selected, an example of a pre
shot routine could be:
1) Stand behind the golf ball so you are
directly in line with the target, and find an object, maybe an old
divot or leaf that is roughly a couple of meters away and in line with
your target.
2) Use this object to help you make sure that you are aiming correctly at the target, when addressing the golf ball.
3) Take a practice swing a foot or so away from the ball to get a feel for the shot in hand.
When addressing the ball, make sure that your clubface is square to the
object that you identified and then applying the golf grip that you are
comfortable with.
5) Check ball position is correct and shoulders, hips and feet are squarely aligned to target.
6) Play the shot!!
above is just a simple example of what a pre shot routine could look
like, my advise would be to work on a few variations until you find one
that you are comfortable with.
Golf Swing Books:

Golf Swing EBooks:

Golf Swing Training Aids:

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Swing Instruction, Tips & Drills:
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