Golf Swing Instruction, Tips & Drills For Beginners!
first and most important thing you should understand about the golf
swing, is that there is no one perfect golf swing out there that is
ideal and fits all golfers. The reason for this is because everyone is
built differently, in terms of height, physical shape, strength, body
flexibility, etc.
So a golf swing technique that works well for
one person may not necessarily work for, or be preferred by another
person. You just have to look at the top players on tour to clearly see
that they all have slightly different golf swing styles, that they
prefer or suit their bodily attributes.
Having said that, there
are certain laws which govern the way the ball behaves when hit, which
will determine the direction and distance it will travel, so having a
good understanding of the golf ball flight laws is essential to
correcting any golf swing faults that you may have.
There are also certain principles to a great golf swing, like your golf
grip, alignment, setup, swing plane, just to name a few, which if
understood and implemented into your golf game will give you a great
foundation to build your own efficient and effective golf swing style. Take
advantage of my FREE golf swing instruction, tips, drills and product
reviews and recommendations below, and learn more about the golf ball
flight laws and principles of a great golf swing, and take your golfing
performance to the next level.
Golf Swing Books:

Golf Swing EBooks:

Golf Swing Training Aids:

Swing Instruction, Tips & Drills:
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