Top 3 Golf Swing Instructional EBooks!
you are looking for the perfect solution to cure your golf swing
faults, whether you're suffering from the dreaded slice or hooking the
golf ball into deep trouble, or
just need to gain an extra few yards off of the tee, then you may want
to take
a look at the top 3 golf swing instructional ebooks below!
Ideal for beginners and mid to high handicap golfers, these golf swing
ebooks offer you extremely simple and easy to follow instructions, that
backed up with excellent videos and visual aids, and will have you
shooting the
best scores of your life, in absolutely no time at all!
All of these golf swing ebooks below are instantly downloadable and
you excellent value for money, especially when you take into account
the considerably amount
of high quality content that is provided for you and the exceptional
instructional material that is on offer from experts in the field.
Simple Golf Swing EBook:
you are looking to add distance to your drives and cut your handicap by
at least 7 strokes, with a simple golf swing instruction system that
has a 95% success rate, then The
Simple Golf Swing EBook is the right
choice for you.
The Simple Golf Swing is a very simple and
easy to follow step-by-step guide, that breaks down all of the 5 key
basic fundamental elements that are essential to playing your best
golf, and the fully comprehensive instructions are extremely thorough
and backed up with excellent visual aids.
Even the most novice
of golfers will be able to pick it up in practically no time at all.
The Simple Golf Swing System guarantees to help you develop a simple
and easy to master golf swing that will have you playing the best golf
of your life in just 2 short weeks!! or your Money Back!!
Golf Full Swing EBook:
by Bobby Eldridge from PurePoint Golf, the 'Full
Swing Ebook' will help you to drop at least 7 to 12 strokes
off your handicap, by adding distance and accuracy to your swing, and
what’s more amazing is the fact that you will notice the difference in
two short weeks, or your money back!
The great beauty of PurePoint Golf's 'Full Swing EBook' system is that
once you have improved your backswing, timing, balance etc. with the
excellent training in this ebook you shouldn't have to think too hard
about implementing your newly improved golf swing, it will just
continue to happen naturally.
In addition to this fully comprehensive golf swing ebook, PurePoint
Golf has a selection of other resources to help improve your game,
including dvd's, golf swing training aids, and an Apprentice Program
you can join for only $1.
To Break 80 by Jack Moorehouse:
excellent golf swing ebook focuses on how to help golfers lower their
golf handicaps quickly and easily, so is designed for the golfer who
leads a busy life. It is packed full of useful tips and great
techniques, but primarily focuses on building you a consistent golf
to Break 80' will teach you the 4 proven techniques to get
your score instantly into the 70’s, shot making secrets and tips for
dealing with trouble shots. It also shows you how to improve your short
game, chip shots, how to read greens correctly, the putting secrets of
the pros, and a whole lot more.
How to Break 80 will certainly help you to improve your golfing
performance and lower your scores, so i would highly recommend taking
advantage of this fully comprehensive, great value golf instructional