Correcting A Golf
- 3 Fundmental Keys To Help
You Fix Your Golf Slicing Problems!
a permanent way to correcting a
golf slice
is one of the most sought after solutions in golf, and as golf slicing
is one of the most devastating shots
possible, finding a cure is an absolute must if you want to
have any real enjoyment out of this game and start reaching your full
The reason golf
slicing is one of the hardest
shots in golf to fix is because there are so many areas within your
swing or setup that could be at fault, and that's why so many players
end up accepting fait and just give up trying to cure it.
It doesn't have to be like that though, if you can rid yourself of the
dreaded golf slice, not only will you have more fun out on the golf
course, but you will start to improve your scores by
hitting the ball further and straighter. Read on below to find
out what the 3 keys to Correcting a
Golf Slice are.
Golf Grip

& Ball Position

3 Keys To
Correcting A Golf Slice
Getting the pre-shot fundamentals right in this game are going to be
the key to your success, and the foundation for curing your golf
slicing problems. The 3 key areas that we are going to be looking at
to correcting a golf slice lie within your golf grip, proper
alignment and your ball position.
your Golf Grip to Cure Your Slice:
One of the most common faults for slicing the ball lies within your
golf grip. Most slicers will adopt a grip which is known as a
weak grip. This is where the hands have been rotated too far in an
anti-clockwise direction (for right handers) on the grip.
What tends to happen with a weak grip, is that during the course of the
backswing or downswing the hands will correct themselves to
some degree and adopt a more neutral position, because this is
more natural. It is this correction that causes the slice as
your clubface will be open by the time you've reached the golf ball.
An excellent example of a great golf grip that will help you to place
your hands in the perfect postition is Harry Vardon Overlapping Golf Grip.
This grip or variation of, is used by most Tour Players
and recommended by the majority of Golf Professionals.
Alignment will help you Correct a Golf Slice:
Most players who slice the ball will naturally setup with an
open stance, where their feet, knees, hips and shoulders are aligned to
the left of the target
line. This open position promotes an outside-to-in swing path, which is
then usually followed by an open clubface, and of course this
open clubface will result in a golf slice.
In an attempt to cure a slice, most golfers will just end up making the
problem even worse. They are so scared of hitting the ball right, that
they end up aiming their bodies further and further left of the target
line. The solution is in fact the opposite, you need to be focusing on
aligning your body more square to the target line.
the Right Ball Position at Address:
Finally you want to make sure that your ball position is right, this
will vary depending on which club you are using. With the driver your
angle of approach will be flatter as you are further away from the
ball, so the position of the ball needs to be further forward in your
stance, generally a couple of inches inside the left foot.
As the length of your clubs shorten the position of the ball moves
closer towards the middle of your stance. Having the ball position to
far back in your stance makes it harder for the club face to square
itself at impact and will more often than not result in an open face
causing the ball to slice.
for a Permanent
Solution to Correcting a Golf Slice?
If you are
looking for a permanent solution to correcting a golf slice,
that has already helped
of golfers across the world, then i
would highly recommend downloading a copy of 'Instant Golf Slice Cure' by Dave Moore.
This fully comprehensive ebook
guarantee's to cure your slice in 4 simple steps! |
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