Time To Use An Effective Golf Chip Shot!
we look at the best time to perform a golf chip shot, it is important
for you to understand that there is a big difference between chip
and golf
pitch shots. In simple terms golf chip shots are one lever
actions, and in many ways very similar to a golf
putting stroke.
is important to keep the hands and wrists quite and firm at all times
when playing a chip shot, thus giving the flight of the golf ball a
much lower trajectory. This in turn means that chip shots will tend to
spend less time in the air and more time rolling on the ground to give
you more control over the outcome.
A golf pitch shot uses a
longer swing and a cocking action of the wrists (second-lever), making
it a much harder shot to play, as there is more room for error. This
encourages the flight of the ball to be much higher and land softer,
meaning that the golf
ball will spend more time in the air than on the
ground. |
Although you will see many
professional's using pitch shots to spectacular effect, they will
almost always prefer to play a chip shot or even a putt from just off
the edge of the green if conditions allow. This is because putting will
give them more consistent results over chipping and chipping will give
them more consistent results over pitching!
So the best time to
play a golf chip shot is firstly, when golf
putting is no longer an option
because of unpredictable terrain, long grass or other such obstacles
standing in the way, and secondly, until you reach a situation where
you have no other option but to pitch, because you are too far away
from the green or have to fly over a bunker,
The point i'm
making here is very simple, the chip shot should be you bread and
butter shot when around the greens, and if you learn the right golf
chipping techiniques and practice hard enough, then there is
no reason
why you should ever fear these shots. Too many golfers think that golf
chipping is purely about having great touch and feel, and although
having these special traits can be of a huge advantage, being able to
chip consistently well doesn't just boil down to how you can skillfully
manipulate a sand
wedge or pitching wedge, there is a lot more to golf
chipping than that!
Always remember that you have a full
set of
clubs in your bag and all of these clubs have a wide range of
lofts and
capabilities! Use them to your advantage and let them do the work for
you, you don't need to take the risk of either thinning or fatting a
sand wedge to the pin, when you can quite easily run a 7 iron up the
pin with no problems!
If you are serious about improving your
golf chips shots and looking for some inspirational advice on how to
take your short game and golf chipping to the next level, then i would
recommend that you get a copy of Phil
Mickelson's excellent golf
instructional book called 'Secrets
Of The Short Game'
Short Game Books:

Golf Wedges:

Golf Chipping Nets:

Short Game Instruction, Tips & Drills:
To Simplify Your Golf Chipping
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perfect chip shots every time will to some degree rely on you having
excellent feel and soft touch, there are ways that you can simplify the
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Time To Use Golf Chip Shots
we look at the best time to perform a golf chip shot, it is important
for you to understand that there is a big difference between chip shots
and golf pitch shots. In simple terms golf chip shots are one lever
Golf Chipping Technique In 6 Simple Steps
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easiest techniques to get the hang of and master. Many golfers though,
especially beginners and struggling amateurs tend to try and make the
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Golf Chipping Tips To Help Improve Your Short Game
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Are Golf Pitch Shots So Difficult To Master?
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Pitching Technique To Improve Your Short Game
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Important Is Your Short Game?
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game, with an accurate chip or pitch shot to ensure saving their par.
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